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Choco Install Y

카테고리 없음

by trannistspirop1979 2020. 1. 24. 08:32


Choco Install Y
  1. Choco Install Y

Install Command (choco install) Installs a package or a list of packages (sometimes specified as a packages.config). Some may prefer to use cinst as a shortcut for choco install Commandsinstall. NOTE: 100% compatible with older chocolatey client ( and below) with options and switches.

Add -y for previous behavior with no prompt. In most cases you can still pass options and switches with one dash ( -). For more details, see how to pass arguments CommandsReference#how-to-pass-options-switches ( choco -?). Usage choco install cinst NOTE: all is a special package keyword that will allow you to install all packages from a custom feed. Will not work with Chocolatey default feed. THIS IS NOT YET REIMPLEMENTED.


Jan 16, 2016 - Install it in a PowerShell or CMD shell window with choco install -y docker. The option -y just auto-answers the question to run the install script. Nov 18, 2016 - choco install nodejs.install –y $ choco install git –y $ choco install VisualStudioCode -y. Read more about configuring Visual Studio code for.

NOTE: Any package name ending with.config is considered a 'packages.config' file. Please see NOTE: / Business builds on top of a great open source experience with quite a few features that enhance the your use of the community package repository (when using Pro), and really enhance the Chocolatey experience all around.

A package manager is a tool to install desired software and any other components on which that software depends. They do so by reading from a pre-configured package file, which lists dependencies, required configurations, where to retrieve binaries, and the order in which each step must occur. Many software developers are familiar with package managers, such as NuGet (for Microsoft applications), PIP (for Python) and RubyGems (for Ruby). These are used to add components to a software project. Chocolatey is a Package Manager designed specifically for installing desktop applications onto a Windows computer, outside of any software project.

You can get started using Chocolatey by navigating to. Chocolatey requires Windows and PowerShell (which comes pre-installed on current versions of Windows). Install Chocolatey by opening a Command prompt and typing. Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString( 'You will likely need to open those prompts as an Administrator. Close the prompt when you are done.

I ran this script this morning after resetting my laptop. It ran for about an hour with no intervention from me. After an hour, all the apps were installed. Below is part of the output: The best part is that, for what I am doing, Chocolatey is completely free! For more information, check out the the Chocolatey documentation or watch my interview with Chocolatey creator Rob Reynolds.

Choco Install Y

Chocolatey provides a a simple way to install and manage desktop applications. It saved me time and energy when I rebuilt my machine.

Choco Install Y